Editing Services for Businesses and Organizations

EDITS BY NICOLE > Editing Services for Businesses and Organizations

Reports, educational materials, marketing copy, digital content—you need to be confident that your business’ brand identity is reflected.

Give your public-facing content the professional finish your clients expect and reflect your organization’s high standards in your internal documents.

I edit and proofread all types, lengths, formats, and styles of promotional content, including (but not limited to):

  • Marketing plans and channel information
  • Digital and traditional advertising copy
  • Blog articles and content marketing
  • Presentations and reports for customers or shareholders (PDF and PPTX formats)
  • Brand identities and style guides
  • Promotional materials
  • Proposals and whitepapers
  • Brochures and other print-formatted materials

I can bring clarity and consistency to your writing, ensuring that it’s accurate and fit for your purpose.

Get in touch with me today

about taking your manuscript to the next level!

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Meanwhile, you can focus on what you do best.

Doesn’t that sound good?


  • Apply your in-house style guide, if there is one; if there isn’t one, I can create one
  • Ensure a consistent style and tone suitable for your audience
  • Create effective sentence structure and narrative flow
  • Ensure consistent use of capitalization, hyphenation, and numbers
  • Verify accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Remove word repetition or language tics
  • Ensure figures and tables are correctly positioned and captioned
  • Double-check that links are active and correct.